Monday, December 3, 2012

Class Blogger

To start off class, we met with our groups to discuss some final details for our final project. My group is basically done with our project, all that's really left is to do both the group reflection and the individual reflection. While we were in our groups Ms. Lang walked around and gave everybody back our last paper about advertisements.

We did this for about 10 minutes and then we moved on to our group presentations for our projects. My group went first, our magazine is called Sports Lifestyle and is mainly geared toward Men's health and how they live.

They group that presented called their magazine 24-Hour Mom. It is a Christmas edition of the magazine that follows a red and green color scheme. The front page with its older looking picture was geared towards older parents while the table of contents photo of a young couple is to attract younger moms. They all are basically nutrition articles dealing with something around Christmas time such as milk.

They next group that went up had a magazine entitled Das Mens Health. It is also a men's health magazine that is supposed to be a German publication that was translated to English. It is geared towards younger men because it deals with drinking, smoking, Mcdonalds, and weed smoking which in Germany are socially acceptable at a younger age. This range is what the group was trying to target.

The next group had a magazine called Mid-Life Crisis. They had a Newsweek theme cover and where all about guns, cars, and anything that dealt with a midlife crisis. The interesting part of their magazine was that their article titles were not just some random articles they found. They created article titles that also spoofed their spoof ads. Unfortunately I was not able to get a photo of their magazine cover.

The final group to present created a magazine that used an already published magazine called People. Their issue was all about fame and family because the fame included their article on Absolute Vodka and Heineken while the family part of the issue dealth with animal cruelty especially with puppies and buying the right products for your family.

After all the groups presented Ms. Lang talked about the deadlines for our final project and how everything was due on Friday December  7, 2012. She then talked about the papers that she gave back and how when we refer to our selves we should use men and women if we want to be treated like men and women, not boys and girls.

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