Monday, October 29, 2012


I looked up at my grandfather with amazement as he put something on my head. I dont know what it is or what it is for but its my grandpa so i just accept it. Next thing I know he disappears and whatever I am sitting on starts moving. I am a little scared at this point because i cant see Papu but I hear his voice, I here him singing "La cucaracha, la cucaracha..." so I know I am safe. We keep riding around for awhile and the whole time I can here my grandfathers voice. It wasnt until I saw my house that his voice stopped but I knew i was still safe. I come to stop and there is Papu once again but this time he's taking off whatever he put on my head. He picks me up and I look at what we were on, its a bicycle. I dont know why i loved it so much but i did. This was one of the first memories i have of my grandfather before he left, before he was taken. We would ride around for ours at a time and Papu would sing to me during the entire ride. These where some of my favorite times with my grandfather and it wasnt until i was older did i understand that while me and him would ride around for 3-4 hours at a time he was running a huge and international company. I dont know how he was able to spend so much time with me and still be able to run his company successfully. However i respected him that much more when i learned this. It wasnt until 8 years ago did my grandfather begin to leave us. He started forgetting things, important things, he wasnt able to drive anymore, and his sight was getting worse and worse by the day. At first I really didnt understand, i just thought hey he's getting old and this happens but ill help him in whatever way i can. So i did. It worked for a couple of years, me and my grandfather were a team. I was always with him and helped him remember certain things that happened throughout the day and remember important events like birthdays and such. As happy as i was to help my grandfather i also got a front row seat to his departure. There was one day about 4 years ago that i walked in to his office to say hi and he had no idea who i was or why i was there. It was at this point that i knew he was gone. Alzheimer's had taken the man who raised me, the man who loved me, and the man i wanted to become from me. For that i hate it. However since that day i have never looked back, i only look forward so  i can become the man that my grandfather was. A great business man, a family man, but most of all Papu. He is and forever will be my inspiration in anything i do. I measure my actions based on what i think Papu would have done in certain situation. I have lost my grandfather in this life however he lives on in my heart and in my the rest of my families hearts. For to live on in hearts we leave behind is not to die.

I looked up at my grandfather with amazement as he put something on my head. I dont know what it is or what it is for but its my grandpa so i just accept it. Next thing I know he disappears and whatever I am sitting on starts moving. I am a little scared at this point because i cant see Papu but I hear his voice, I here him singing "La cucaracha, la cucaracha..." so I know I am safe. We keep riding around for awhile and the whole time I here my grandfathers voice. It wasnt until I saw my house that his voice stopped but I knew i was still safe. I come to stop and there is Papu once again but this time he's taking off whatever he put on my head. He picks me up and I look at what we were on, its a bicycle. I dont know why i loved it so much but i did. This was one of the first memories i have of my grandfather before he left, before he was taken. We would ride around for hours and Papu would sing the entire ride. These where some of my favorite times with my grandfather and it wasnt until i was older that i learned that my grandfather was CEO of a huge and international company. I dont know how he was able to spend so much time with me and still be able to run his company successfully. However i respected him that much more for it. It wasnt until 8 years ago did my grandfather begin to leave us. He started forgetting things, important things, he wasnt able to drive anymore, and his sight was getting worse and worse by the day. At first I really didnt understand, i just thought hey he's getting old and this happens but ill help him in whatever way i can. So i did. It worked for a couple of years. My grandfather and I were a team. I was always with him and helped him remember certain things that happened throughout the day and remember important events like birthdays and anniversaries. As happy as i was to help my grandfather i also got a front row seat to his departure. There was one day about 4 years ago that i walked in to his office to say hi and he had no idea who i was or why i was there. It was at this point that i knew he was gone. Alzheimer's had taken the man who raised me, the man who loved me, the man i wanted to become. For that i hate it. However since that day i have never looked back, i only look forward so  i can try and become the man that my grandfather was. A great business man, a family man, but most of all Papu. He is and forever will be my inspiration in anything i do. I measure my actions based on what i think Papu would have done in certain situation. I have lost my grandfather in this life however he lives on in my heart and in my the rest of my families hearts. For to live on in hearts we leave behind is not to die. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Peer review

After the peer review i am confident that my paper is now headed in the right direction. I was really iffy on the topic to begin with and really couldnt decide what to write about. once i got the idea about Cudi i knew i was going to write a good paper. I am also confident in all of my examples because they are about songs that i really enjoy. so instead of it being something random that i didnt mind for i actually care about making sure my views can be seen clearly because i have enjoyed all these songs so much. I will deff want to change the voice i used and include more I rather than us and we because i wasnt sure if i could use the first person in the essay. for sure ill change the entire essay to reflect my views rather than a subject view. The part i wont change is how many songs i used because i think that include the entire album works better together rather than only a couple of songs. Using the entire album as well also gives me the chance to talk about the story of the track list and how it tells a story in and of its own.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Feedback on paper 2

got some good feedback on my paper today. I thought i was completely off on the way i was writing this but after this i know im on the right track. I need to go back and use I more because while i was writing it I got the feeling that it couldnt be in first person for some reason. I for sure go back and and re-write it so its all in the first person. My feedback says that i might consider limiting the numbers of songs i reference but i dont know if that will work just because the paper is about the album as a whole. I will though include another paragraph going into detail about what i see before the songs and another paragraph at the end explaining what i see now and how it has changed and if any of my first guesses were correct or wrong. I also will include more about how the lyrics work in the actual album its self and how even the titles start to explain the main points of his journey as the man on the moon.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

peer review #2

 1. i am going to analyze a tv show from hbo and compare it to a review by someone famous. along with a comparison to a poster from the show.

2. ill approach this paper as a compare and contrast between what the reviewer says and what the actual show is about

3. i chose the show because i was watching it and a flash of the poster came up and i decided to use that. it wasnt until Shannon suggested i use a review of the show as my text. It actually made sense so i think i am going to use that.

4. what text will you add to the essay?
how much visual will you include?