Friday, August 31, 2012

The Sons of Katie Elder

Didion based a lot of her ideas on gender roll from the John Wayne movies. She said that John Wayne was a mans man. He never backed down and always did what was necessary. From the trailer of the Sons of Katie Elder you can see in the bar fight that he stepped up to protect his little brother when he got in some type of trouble. So in terms of being a man I think Didion learned that you have to stand up for what you believe in and you have to do whats necessary for your family. I guess you could say that the man in the family had to be the toughest one in the family and to whatever is needed to make sure that everyone else is happy. You can tell that she believes this because she falls in love with the line he says he will build her a house, at the bend in the river where the cottonwoods grow. 

In terms of a woman's role I guess you can say that women should find the right man to protect her and get her whatever she desires. However a woman still needs to be a little independent and help her man in the any way she can. This idea might be brought up with the fact of the women who tried to "tame" the Elder brothers. 

The movie that really changed my perception on things and really impacted my life was "Wall Street", not the one that just came out but the original that came before. I saw it when i was with my dad when i was about 13 and the movie really taught me a lot. It told me that the people who are always looking for handouts are weak and that if you really want something then you yourself need to go out and make it happen. Ever since then I have never asked anyone for money or a handout. I have this picture in my head of what i want to become and the only way that I will be about to reach that person is by doing it myself and not expecting anything from anyone. It also taught that most people have their own agendas and that I have to be careful of those agendas because they might come back to bite me. 

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