Monday, September 24, 2012


My introduction uses a couple of strategies from the Mcgraw handbook. The first and major strategy it uses for my introduction is that I state an important question. However I do not only state one question, I state a couple important questions. After posing these question I lead into a relevant story of my brother and how video games affected not only his but my life as well. 

My conclusion is a little more simplistic than my intro, however i find that it works better because if its simple then everyone understands it. My conclusion only uses the strategy of summarizing my main points of my paper. At the same time however i also present a powerful image with example of how games have also been used to train my brain and allow it to work efficiently even under stressful conditions. 

I believe my conclusion does answer the questions of "so what?" because of the fact that my final sentences not only summarize my main points but they also explain how they've changed my view of this world and why that matters. It also states why games have helped my life. 

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